Pazartesi , 9 Eylül 2024

World Vision is looking for an External Consultant

World Vision is looking for an External Consultant

World Vision is looking for an External Consultant

World Vision International İnsanî Yardım Kuruluşu Türkiye – Gaziantep








Terms of Reference


Providing Health and WASH services for conlict-affected Syrians in Aleppo governorate

BMZ Funded Project


World Vision is looking Glossary


BMZ Bundesministerium für wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit und Entwicklung – German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development
CT Computerized Tomography
FGD Focus Group Discussion
IDPs Internally Displaced Persons
KII Key Informant Interview
NPM Needs and Population Monitoring done by International Organization for Migration (IOM)


1.     World Vision is looking Summary

World Vision is seeking an external consultant to undertake baseline measurement for the project titled Providing Health and WASH services for conflict-affected Syrians in Aleppo governorate” implemented in Aleppo governorates with funding from BMZ between July 1, 2017- April 30, 2019.  The main objective of the baseline is to establish baseline values and validate anticipated target figures for the indicators established to measure the results and specific objective of the project.


Project Providing health and WASH services for conflict-affected Syrians in Aleppo governorate
Donor BMZ
Grant agreement number TBC
Implementers Direct Implementation
Evaluation type and purpose Baseline
Methodology Quantitative: Household surveyQualitative: Key informant interviews (KIIs), focus group discussions (FGDs)

Desk review of secondary data and sources

Baseline dates Sept 18- October 20, 2017
Anticipated Baseline report release date October 20, 2017



2.    World Vision is looking Background information

Within Syria, 13.5 million people, including four million children, are in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. There are 6.3 million Internally Displaced People (IDPs), and 4.9 people in need in hard-to-reach and besieged locations (Humanitarian Needs Overview 2017, OCHA). Humanitarian needs in Northern Syria, which hosts the largest number of IDPs in the country, remain the most acute, particularly in Aleppo governorate (HNO 2017). Following fighting in Jarablus and more recently Al Bab, the number of people displaced in Northern Syria has increased rapidly. Since the beginning of 2017, almost 85,000 new displacements have been reported in the Syrian northern governorates (CCCM Cluster Displacement Snapshot). This brings the total number of IDPs currently in Aleppo governorate to over 175,000. The continuing campaign to retake Ar-Raqqa city is driving up the number of IDPs in the north substantially; up to 42,000 people have already been displaced from the area, with up to 350,0000 people in total estimated to be affected by the offensive. In Northern Syria, 84,702 displacements were reported from 1 January – 28 February 2017, the majority of whom are fleeing the ongoing fighting in Al Bab (CCCM Cluster Displacement Snapshot). The majority of IDPs fleeing to A’zaz district, specifically Aghtrin sub-district that borders Al Bab, which received 5,361 people since the beginning of 2017, and Suran sub-district, which has received 4,830 people.


The destruction of infrastructure during the fighting has caused a serious lack of essential services in Al Bab and surrounding areas, which will likely continue for months to come. The rehabilitation of infrastructure is crucial as it ensures essential services and dignified living conditions for returning civilians. At present, they will need to travel long distances to obtain services such as health and water and sanitation. Humanitarian partners are ready to conduct rapid assessments and begin their response as soon as the environment is conducive (Flash Update Eastern Aleppo Countryside, OCHA, March 5, 2017). Access to basic services, e.g. in WASH or health, is hampered by this destroyed/ damaged infrastructure, lack of staff and supplies as well as overloaded services. Attacks against hospitals, water networks, and electricity plants are commonplace (HRP, 2017).


Overall the proposed intervention targets the populations in A’zaz district, specifically A’zaz, Aghtrin and Suran sub-districts and Jarablus District. The project targets both IDPs who have had to flee recent fighting in Aleppo, Menbij and Al Bab as well as host community members. Furthermore, the local council, its water authority as well as the local health directorate will benefit from capacity building related to the WASH activities.


3.    World Vision is looking Summary overview of the Action implemented

Project numbers TBC
Duration 01/05/2017 – 30/04/2019 (24 months)
Primary sector of intervention Health, WASH
Implementing partner Direct Implementation
Project Locations A’zaz district, specifically A’zaz, Aghtrin and Suran sub-districts. Jarablus District, particularly Jarablus City where the CT scanner will be installed.
Goal Reducing the vulnerability of targeted conflict-afffected people in Aleppo Governorate through increase access to essential diagnostic services and improvement of their living conditions with regards to WASH
  1. Strengthened the diagnostic capacity of the health system in Jarablus City  (Jarablus Hospital)
  2. Improved access to safe drinking water & access to improved sanitation services in Aghtrin and Suran sub-districts in Aleppo governorate
Outputs 1.1: Jarablus Hospital is equipped with one new and reliable CT scanner1.2: Medical staff is available and trained in order to conduct enhanced diagnosis services at Jarablus Hospital in A’zaz

2.1: Rehabilitation and operation of water systems in A’zaz.

2.2Rehabilitated sewage system networks in A’zaz

2.3: Increased capacity of local council to implement solid waste management system

2.4: Beneficiaries have increased awareness and adoption of good hygiene and sanitation practices in A’zaz and Al Bab


Table 1. Outcome Indicators to be baselined

Summary of Objective Description Indicators
Outcome 1 Strengthened the diagnostic capacity of the health system in rural Aleppo specifically main referral hospital in Jarablus City (Jarablus Hospital)  1.1 6% of target population benefiting from the health services 
1.2. 90% increase of target population access to specialized health diagnostic services
Outcome 2 Improved access to safe drinking water & access to improved sanitation services in Aghtrin and Suran sub-districts in Aleppo governorate 2.1 75% of target HHs that use an improved drinking water source
2.2  75% of population with access to improved sanitation facility
2.3 75% of people benefiting from a cleaner environment as a result of solid waste disposal service at least twice per week
2.4 15-20% increase in respondents who report washing hands in three out of five critical times


  • Purchasing and installing a CT scanner for Jarablus Hospital, reaching 10,800 beneficiaries (600 per month for 18 months)
  • Recruiting staff (1 Radiologist and 2 Radiology Assistants) to enable unit to be available 24/7, reaching 3 beneficiaries
  • Providing training for newly recruited staff on the use of the CT scanner, humanitarian principles, referrals, and other relevant topics, reaching 3 beneficiaries
  • Operating and maintaining the CT scanner



  • Rehabilitation of six water systems in Aghtrin and Suran sub-districts
    • Rehabilitation of water storage tanks;
    • Provision of new  generators, pumps, pipes, and other equipment needed for operation
    • Provision of chlorination systems
    • Rehabilitation of water distribution networks (main pipes)
    • Rehabilitation of mechanical and electrical parts of water systems
    • Construction of new concrete ground water tank
  • Operation and maintenance of the rehabilitated water systems.
  • Water testing and water quality management
  • Training of local authorities in water quality and tariff system (30 members of the local authorities)


Increasing access to sanitation services through:

  • Rehabilitation and extension of sewage systems networks in Aghtrin and Suran sub-districts (4,932 individuals, based on meters of sewage network being replaced)
  • Rehabilitation of WASH facilities in 13 schools
  • Rehabilitation of the waste water treatment unit in Aghtrin and Dweibeq villages
  • Rehabilitation of rainwater drainage systems in roadways in Aghtrin, Turkmen Bareh, Kafra and Dweibeq villages


Increasing the capacity of local councils to implement solid waste management through:

  • Rehabilitation of dumpsites in Aghtrin, Turkmen Bareh and Dweibeq villages (54,500 individuals)
  • Rehabilitation of municipality rubbish collection vehicles in Turkmen Bareh, Kafra, Kafr Ghan and Dweibeq villages (41,200 individuals)
  • Operation of garbage collection systems with fuel and stipends for laborers in six villages in Aghtrin and Suran sub-districts (68,650 individuals)
  • Provision of new rubbish collection vehicles to support daily collection of garbage in Aghtrin and Turkman Bareh (46,500 individuals)
  • Build the capacity of municipality and local council members with training on tariff system and fee collection for rubbish removal services  (30 members of the local authorities)


Increased awareness and adoption of good hygiene and sanitation practices among beneficiaries through:

  • Hygiene promotion sessions in 6 communities and 13 schools. Community hygiene promotion sessions will be done in markets, collective centers, and other gathering places.


Table 2. Target Group and Number of Beneficiaries Targeted

Location Sector Men Women Boys* Girls* IDPs Total
Aghtrin, Aleppo WASH 11,429 11,948 14,027 14,546 7,950 59,900
Suran, Aleppo WASH 3,674 3,841 4,509 4,676 4,000 20,700
Jarablus, Aleppo Health TBC TBC TBC TBC TBC 64,042
Total 15,103 15,789 18,536 19,222 11,950 144,642

The project targets men, women, boys and girls in Jarablus, Aghtrin and Suran sub-districts, Aleppo Governorate, both host community members and IDPs. A detailed breakdown, according to the WASH and Health sectors is shown in the table below.


4.    World Vision is looking Baseline purpose, questions and intended usage

Purpose: To provide an information base against the project objective and result indicators to further assess the progress within the project final evaluation. The baseline survey will be designed to allow measurement of the degree and quality of change as a result of the project implementation.


Developing the analytical framework, i.e. refining and operationalizing the questions posted above, will be done in close cooperation between World Vision and the consultant.


5.     Evaluation target audiences

The targeted audiences for this baseline are:

  • BMZ
  • World Vision


6.     Methodology

Primary data collection

Primary data collection is expected to comply with recognized ethical principles. Data are expected to be collected on smartphones or tablets, using ODK, Kobo, SMAP or similar applications, and processed electronically. The consultant will provide the cleaned primary data set in Excel to World Vision and grants World Vision rights of storage and further usage. The consultant is expected to:

  • Provide a time schedule, a breakdown by location and a breakdown of resources needed for primary data collection in the locations covered under this project;
  • Hire, train and supervise enumerators, which must include both men and women, and care for their provisions and security;
  • Obtain the necessary permissions for gathering primary data from the relevant authorities.


HH survey sampling: For this study, two-phased proportional stratified random sampling will be used, with the primary sampling unit as the household and sample frame of total population of the targeted communities per project/sector. The first phase, involves randomly selecting communities within the targeted communities within the subdistrict per sector. And the second phase, will involve randomly selecting respondents among these selected communities.


To obtain the household figure from the total population the figure will divided by 5, the official average household size. Overall, sample size will be determine using the prescribed 95% confidence level, 5% confidence interval and 50% response distribution. The calculated figure will then be divided among selected communities proportional to its population.


Sample size: The below sample size equation is hereby suggested to calculate the required sample size for each strata.


n = [ ] where:

Z = The z-score corresponding to the degree of confidence with which it is desired to be able to conclude that an observed change of size for p and q would not have occurred by chance (Z = 1.96)

p = Estimated prevalence of indicator in the population33 (p = 50%)

q = 1-p, population not presenting with indicator

D= Design effect for a complex, clustered, sample (D = 2.0)

d = Precision/margin of error, as fraction of 1 (d = 5%)


The estimated level of an indicator (to be determined at endline) to be measured as a proportion is 0.5 (P1 =0.5), which is the most conservative assumption. A confidence level of 95% (Z = 1.96) and a design effect of 2.0 is used, with a margin of error of 5% incorporated. Using the sample size formula above, these parameter values result in a sample size of 382 respondents per location plus with 10% oversample, would yield to 420 respondents. Using the three strata listed below, the baseline activity required a sample size of 1260 respondents.


The consultant shall strive that at least 25%[1] of the respondents per location will be chosen from the IDP population.


FGD sampling: Focus group discussions will be used to gather qualitative information on access to safe drinking water and sanitation and access to specialized health diagnostic services among host communities and IDPs.   XX communities will be purposively selected from the sampling frame to cover a range of geographic locations, including rural and urban, as well as host communities and IDPs. All participants will be randomly selected by doing a village walk. The anticipated minimum number of FGDs is 4 per location or 4 x 3 = 12 in total.


KII sampling:  Key informant interviews shall be undertaken with Water Authority, Local Council and in Jarablus Hospital.


Mixed methods approach: The report should triangulate data from primary and secondary sources. The primary data are from quantitative and qualitative sources (listed above) that provide information from various beneficiary perspectives; the secondary data will be drawn from a review of key project documents.



Gov District Subdistrict Target Communities Target Sample size for HH survey FGDs KIIs
Aleppo Azaz Agthrin Zayadiyeh, Aghthrin, Turkmen Bareh 59,900 420 4-8 6
Suran Kafra, Kafr Ghan Dweibeq 20,700 415 4-8 6
Jarablus Jarablus including Al Bab, Ghandora as catchment area Jarablus, 64,042[2] 420 4-8 3


The proposed methodological approach and the tools will be developed in close cooperation between World Vision and the consultant and include field testing with a sample set of beneficiaries.


Secondary data

Based on the agreed upon analytical framework, WVI will provide the consultant with access to project documents relevant for the baseline. The consultant is expected to research and include additional secondary sources in the analysis as needed. World Vision can support with relevant additional secondary sources as available.


1.    World Vision is looking Timeline

The timeline is expected to be as follows:

  • Sept 18-22, 2017: Finalization of analytical framework, methodological approach, sampling aspects, primary data collection tools
  • Sept 25-Oct 6, 2017: Primary data collection (including obtaining government permissions and training enumerators) and data cleaning
  • Oct 9-20, 2017: Report writing
  • Oct 23-27, 2017: Report review, feedback and finalization


2.     Expected outputs and deliverables

The evaluation should result in the following outputs and deliverables:

  1. Inception meetings to finalize scope of work, expectations, process / work plan, and brief on logistics and technical aspects
  2. Final analytical framework, methodological approach including required secondary sources from the project, approach to sampling, primary data collection tools
  3. Training of enumerators, government permissions to implement primary data collection
  4. Raw data (all data sets in excel and SPSS, notes from KIIs and FGDs)
  5. Draft & final evaluation report and summary fact sheet. The consultant will produce a draft report to be submitted to WVI on the agreed date for review. A final report (MS Word, Excel files, PDF), including feedback from WVI reflected in, will then be submitted to WVI. The report needs to follow the provided template / guidance.


All deliverables (except for the evaluation report) need to be provided in English and Arabic as where appropriate. The evaluation report needs to be provided only in English.


3.     Profile of the evaluation team

The consultant (team) must have proven expertise and experience in social research, protection in humanitarian emergency responses, and be able to implement the research in Syria following the required procedures and in the required languages.


Proof of these is to be provided by submitting, together with the application:

  • An overview of relevant works
  • Working samples
  • Contact details for references
  • The proposed research team´s CVs.


Requirements in detail:

Have excellent team leading skills, with the ability to work with a varied team.

  • Have expertise and experience in social science research, including mixed methods and notably quantitative and qualitative primary data collection methods
  • Have expertise and experience in research, monitoring and evaluation in humanitarian emergency response contexts, preferably related to the Syria crisis, as well as related technical standards
  • Have a good understanding of the Syria crisis
  • Have permission to work, travel and undertake primary data collection in the project target locations and be able to do so in the language of the primary target groups (Arabic)
  • Have proven experience in conducting participatory qualitative and quantitative evaluation studies with superior analytical skills
  • Have a good knowledge of data collection software (such as Kobo, SMAP) and statistical packages (such as SPSS)
  • Have excellent report writing skills
  • Have excellent written and spoken English and Arabic
  • Hold a minimum educational qualification equivalent to a master´s degree in a relevant field.


4.    World Vision is looking Application

The consultant should submit a proposal comprising the following:

  • A technical proposal which indicates how the consultant is going to undertake the activities highlighted in the ToR, indicative budget with initial indication of the enumerators and timeframe required
  • A capacity statement detailing the consultant´s ability to deliver a quality evaluation report within the given timeframe, including an overview of relevant work and technical experience
  • At least 2 samples of previous relevant works undertaken, including at least 1 evaluation report that was 100% led by the lead consultant
  • Contact details for 2 references for similar assignments done not more than 2 years ago
  • CVs of the key personnel on the evaluation team
  • A financial budget with explanations about the line items
  • Any appendices the consultant sees as relevant to the application.


Applications should be submitted electronically to by 15thSeptember 2017.


5.     Child protection & data confidentiality

The external evaluator, along with all enumerators, will be required to sign and follow World Vision International´s child protection standards and protocols of behavior, which will be provided to the research team selected.


All primary data collected by this evaluation process is to remain confidential and is not to be shared with third parties.


[1] This percentage is based on NPM Data for June 2017.

[2] This is based on NPM data for June 2017 for Jarablus District. Al Bab and Ghandora

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