Pazar , 15 Eylül 2024

World Vision End of Project Extenal Consultant Tender Announcement

World Vision End of Project Extenal Consultant Tender Announcement

World Vision International İnsanî Yardim Kuruluşu Türkiye – Gaziantep










Terms of Reference End-of- Grant Evaluation

Supporting Affected Communities for Life-saving Action (SACLA)

OFDA Funded Project




Community-based Management of Acute Malnutrition

IDPs Internally Displaced Persons
IYCF Maternal, Newborn, Child Health and Nutrition
OFDA Office of U.S. Foreign Disaster Assistance
OECD-DAC Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development – Development Assistance Committee
PLW Pregnant and lactating women
RH Reproductive Health
USAID United States Agency for International Development
MNCHN Maternal, Newborn, Child Health & Nutrition


  1. World Vision Summary

World Vision is seeking an external consultant to undertake an end-of-grant evaluation for the project titled Supporting Affected Communities for Life-saving Action (SACLA)implemented in cooperation with Syria Relief (SR) and Insani Yardim Dernegi (IYD) in Idleb and Aleppo governorates with funding from OFDA between September 1, 2016- November 30, 2017. The main objective of the evaluation is measure the relevance,[1] effectiveness,[2] timeliness[3]and efficiency[4] of the interventions applied in this grant to address the needs in target communities.

Project Supporting Affected Communities for Life-saving Action (SACLA)
Grant agreement number AID-OFDA-A-16-00037
Implementers World Vision International in TurkeySyria Relief (SR)

Insani Yardim Dernegi (IYD)

Evaluation type and purpose Summative end-of-project
Methodology Quantitative: Household surveyQualitative: Key informant interviews (KIIs), focus group discussions (FGDs)

Desk review of secondary data and sources

Evaluation dates Oct 9- Nov 30, 2017
Anticipated draft evaluation report release date November 20, 2017


  1. World Vision Background information

With the ongoing conflict in Syria, it is estimated that 11.5% of the population within Syria have been killed or injured,[5] more than 4.5 million people have fled to neighboring countries and over 6.5 million are internally displaced.[6] Aleppo and Idleb governorates have been disproportionately affected by the crisis, in particular by intensifying Russian airstrikes over the last six months. As a result, there are now 1,951,479 IDPs in these governorates, 50% of whom are children.[7] The majority of these IDPs live in crowded temporary shelters that lack privacy and access to electricity, heating, water and sanitation. Such conditions have increased the risk of disease and malnutrition—with cholera, typhoid, hepatitis A, measles, and leishmaniosis reported with increasing frequency.[8] Maternal, Newborn, Child Health and Nutrition (MNCHN) services have collapsed leaving children under five and pregnant and lactating women (PLW) at risk. [9]


To address these needs, World Vision implements a twelve-month project to improve WASH, shelter, health, nutrition, and protection conditions for conflict affected population in Aleppo and Idleb governorates. The proposed activities are in line with the sector objectives of the 2016 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), as they restore sustainable water and sanitation systems, improve housing and community/public infrastructure, provide life-saving and sustaining humanitarian health assistance, and strengthen appropriate and integrated nutrition response.[10]


  1. Summary overview of the Action implemented

Project numbers 207274
Duration September 1, 2016- November 30, 2017
Primary sector of intervention Protection, Health, Nutrition, WASH, Shelter,
Implementing partner Syria Relief (SR) – Health, Nutrition, and ProtectionInsani Yardim Dernegi (IYD) – WASH

World Vision – Shelter

Project Locations Aleppo and Idleb Governorates
Goal Promote resilience of crisis affected Syrians in Idleb and Aleppo governorates through life-saving interventions in WASH, Shelter, Health, Nutrition and Protection.
Outcome Crisis-affected communities, families including children have improved living conditions and access to basic services
Outputs 1.     Men, women and children in the targeted areas have increased access to quality and life-saving health and nutrition support, PSS services, and gender based violence care.2.     Improve family and community capacities through the identification and promotion of appropriate feeding practices to prevent infant malnutrition in the crisis affected areas

3.     Provide protection support, services and referral pathways to conflict affected and displaced women and children

4.     Strengthen the capacity of displaced women, girls, boys and men and hosting families to cope with threats to personal safety and human dignity through improved shelter

5.     Dignity of women, girls, boys and men is enhanced through the provision of clean drinking water, improved sanitation facilities and a hygienic living environment.


Table 1. Target Group and Number of Beneficiaries Targeted

Sector Gov District Sub District Targets
WASH Idleb Ariha Ariha 46379
Mhambal Mhambal
Shelter Aleppo Azaz Azaz 4322
Health and Nutrition Idleb Harim Dana 61200[11]
Ariha Ariha
Idleb Maaret Tamsrin
Protection Aleppo Jebel Saman Atareb 7776
Idleb Ariha Ehsem
Al Ma’ra Kafr Nobol
TOTAL 119687


Table 2. Outcome Indicators and Activities implemented

Sector Outcome Indicators
  • Percentage of beneficiaries who report access to safe drinking water at least 20 l/person per day
  • Percentage of community members in the targeted population report improved household and environmental sanitation and hygiene (disaggregated by age group, gender, location)
  • Percentage of water quality tests at 2 rehabilitated water systems with FRC >0.2 mg/L
  • Percentage of total affected population in the program area receiving emergency/transitional shelter assistance, by sex
  • % of community members in the targeted population report improved sense of privacy, dignity and safety due to shelter interventions (Disaggregate by age group, gender and location)
  • Percentage of pregnant women who have attended at least two comprehensive antenatal clinics
  • Percentage of women and newborns that received postnatal care within three days after delivery
  • Percentage of pregnant women who deliver assisted by a skilled (not traditional) birth attendant by type (e.g., midwife, doctor, nurse) and location (e.g., facility or home)
  • Percentage of infants 0-<6 mo. who are exclusively breastfed
  • Percentage of children 6-<24 mo. receiving foods daily in 4 food groups
  • Percentage of mother caregivers attending counselling sessions demonstrate increased knowledge of IYCF practices
  • Percentage of identified children reported to have improved psychosocial/mental health following referral to specialist services


Activities implemented to achieve the desired results include:


Water Supply Infrastructures

Rehabilitate water infrastructure within the Idleb Governorate

Conduct water testing and water management

Operation and maintenance support to water infrastructure

Rehabilitate of water services in schools

Training of local authorities in water quality and tariff system for the long-term sustainability of water facilities.

Sanitation Infrastructures

Rehabilitate sewage infrastructure

Rehabilitation of sanitation services in schools

Environmental Health

Removal of garbage from the streets around the towns, clearing of the access road to the landfill

Supporting the establishment of a solid waste management system in the communities

Rehabilitate municipal vehicles to ensure that the municipality units have capacity to continue removal of waste

Training of local authorities in tariff system for the long-term sustainability of waste management

Hygiene Promotion

Conduct hygiene promotion events/activities in schools and communities

Distribute gender sensitive personal hygiene kits

Emergency/Transitional Shelter

Rehabilitation of damaged residences (for families who are living in one room, overcrowded living spaces), affected by the conflict

Provide heaters and coal for collective centers and households

Install solar electricity panels in collective centers

Rehabilitation of collective centers

Health Systems and Clinical Support

Rehabilitate and operate 2 maternal and pediatric hospitals and one primary health care clinic

Train nurses, doctors and midwives working at the health facilities on integrated management of childhood illness (IMCI), IYCF, CMAM, RH

Reproductive Health

Support reproductive health services in two hospitals and one health clinic

Train midwives working on Reproductive Health

Promote family planning and sexual reproductive health in the women’s centers located in each of the targeted health facilities

Community Health Education/Behavior Change

Community Health Workers provide ante-and post-natal referrals

Community-based screening and referral for malnutrition (IYCF)

Community Health Workers lead protection awareness sessions in communities and schools (CP sub-sector)

Medical Commodities, including Pharmaceuticals

Provide medical supplies, consumables and medicines to targeted health facilities

Train distributors of pharmaceuticals in proper use and disposal of commodities and pharmaceuticals

Child Protection

Community health workers lead child protection awareness session in communities and schools

Provide case management for children with counselling needs, who are identified by schools and project personnel

Train nurses and CHW on CP topics

Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence

Train the project staff at the women’s center on the subject of Gender Based Violence prevention and response

Promote GBV Awareness in the women’s centers located in each of the proposed health facilities

Provide GBV Case Management and Counselling through the women’s centers within the supported medical facilities.


Train and support community health workers to conduct community nutrition awareness and malnutrition screening

Train and support caregivers and mothers of infants and young children (0-23 months) on infant/child care and feeding practices

Provide IYCF support and promote breastfeeding through home visits during the postnatal period.

Community-based screening and referral for malnutrition (IYCF)


  1. Evaluation purpose, questions and intended usage

The evaluation will be based on the four specific evaluation criteria used by World Vision’s Humanitarian and Emergency Affairs (HEA) which is also based on OECD-DAC criteria: relevance, timeliness, efficiency and effectiveness/impact. The four criteria, as they relate to achieving the outcomes and goal of the project, will also serve as the main framework for presenting the evaluation findings. The proposed evaluation criteria are:


  1. Relevance– How well did the project correspond to local needs and priorities? How did WV target the most vulnerable populations, and what were the challenges of reaching vulnerable, affected populations? Did the project address priority problems faced by the target areas and communities and was the project consistent with policies of both donors and recipient governments (or agencies)?
  2. Timeliness– To what degree did the project implement timely Response activities? Did the project respond in a timely manner to the affected community’s needs? What affected timely delivery of assistance (including coordination issues), and what measures were taken by WV to address the issues?
  3. Efficiency– To what degree did the project provide efficient support project implementation? Were inputs (staff, time, money, equipment, relief goods) procured and/or used in the best possible way to achieve outputs and could implementation have improved? Which main factors influenced the efficiency of implementation such as supply chains, and how did this affect the delivery of aid?
  4. Effectiveness/Impact– To what extent did the project activities meet their intended purpose? Were outcomes achieved? What is the evidence of both the impacts of the Response as well as the unintended positive and negatives effects on the affected population since the conflict? What real difference has the activity made to the beneficiaries? What has happened as the result of the project?


Developing the analytical framework, i.e. refining and operationalizing the questions posted above, will be done in close cooperation between World Vision and the consultant.


The evaluation will be used to:

  • Support accountability of the implementing partners vis-à-vis the donor on the outcomes of the Action and the usage of the funds provided through the provision of the evaluation report.
  • Support learning between the implementing partners on the management of their cooperation through the process of the evaluation and the discussion of the evaluation results.


  1. Evaluation target audiences

The targeted audiences for this evaluation are:

  • OFDA
  • SR
  • IYD
  • World Vision


  1. Methodology


World Vision Primary data collection

Primary data collection is expected to comply with recognized ethical principles. Data are expected to be collected on smartphones or tablets, using ODK, Kobo, SMAP or similar applications, and processed electronically. The consultant will provide the cleaned primary data set in Excel to World Vision and grants World Vision rights of storage and further usage. The consultant is expected to:

  • Provide a time schedule, a breakdown by location and a breakdown of resources needed for primary data collection in the locations covered under this project;
  • Hire, train and supervise enumerators, which must include both men and women, and care for their provisions and security;
  • Obtain the necessary permissions for gathering primary data from the relevant authorities.


HH survey sampling: For this study, two-phased proportional stratified random sampling will be used, with the primary sampling unit as the household and sample frame of total population of the targeted communities per project/sector. The first phase, involves randomly selecting communities within the targeted communities within the subdistrict per sector. And the second phase, will involve randomly selecting respondents among these selected communities.


Sample size: The below sample size equation is hereby suggested to calculate the required sample size for each strata.


n = [ ] where:

Z = The z-score corresponding to the degree of confidence with which it is desired to be able to conclude that an observed change of size for p and q would not have occurred by chance (Z = 1.96)

p = Estimated prevalence of indicator in the population33 (p = 50%)

q = 1-p, population not presenting with indicator

D= Design effect for a complex, clustered, sample (D = 2.0)

d = Precision/margin of error, as fraction of 1 (d = 5%)


The estimated level of an indicator (to be determined at endline) to be measured as a proportion is 0.5 (P1 =0.5), which is the most conservative assumption. A confidence level of 95% (Z = 1.96) and a design effect of 2.0 is used, with a margin of error of 5% incorporated. Using the sample size formula above, these parameter values result in a sample size of 382 respondents per location plus with 10% oversample, would yield to 420 respondents. Using the three strata listed below, the baseline activity required a sample size of 1260 respondents.

FGD sampling: Focus group discussions will be used to gather qualitative information access to health and nutrition support, PSS services, access to WASH services, protection services and referral pathways and access to shelter .   XX communities will be purposively selected from the sampling frame to cover a range of geographic locations, including rural and urban, as well as host communities and IDPs. All participants will be randomly selected by doing a village walk. The anticipated minimum number of FGDs is 4 per location (men, women, girls and boys). For Protection in Schools, as the activity deals with children, FGDs with boys and girls (6-12 years old) will be conducted per location.

KII sampling:  Key informant interviews shall be undertaken with Water Authority and Local Council for WASH, Local council for shelter, Health Staff and Local Council for Health, Nutrition and Protection and school authorities for activities relating to children.

Mixed methods approach: The report should triangulate data from primary and secondary sources. The primary data are from quantitative and qualitative sources (listed above) that provide information from various beneficiary perspectives; the secondary data will be drawn from a review of key project documents.

Sector Gov District Subdistrict Target Communities Target Sample size for HH survey FGDs KIIs
WASH Idleb Ariha Ariha Maarzaf, Majdaliya, Mseibin, Maarbalit, Moataf, Kadoura, Mar Tebi 46, 379 420 4-8 6
Idleb Ariha Mhambal Mhambal, Alyeh, Mhambal- Alqart, Baqlid 4-8 6
Shelter Aleppo Azaz Azaz Azaz City 4,332 420 4-8 3
Health, Nutrition & Protection Idleb Harim Dana Sarmada 61,200 420 3 2
Idleb Ariha Ariha Shinan 3 2
Idleb Idleb Maaret Tamsrin Haranbush 3 2
Protection in Schools Aleppo Jebel Saman Atareb Kafr Karmin, Halazon, Batbu 7,776 2 2
Idleb Idleb Maaret Tamsrin Zardana Mashehad 2 2
Idleb Ariha Ehsem Bara 2 2
Idleb Al Ma’ra Kafr Nobol Hazarin 2 2


The proposed methodological approach and the tools will be developed in close cooperation between World Vision and the consultant and include field testing with a sample set of beneficiaries.


Secondary data

Based on the agreed upon analytical framework, WVI, SY and IYD will provide the consultant with access to project documents relevant for the evaluation. The consultant is expected to research and include additional secondary sources in the analysis as needed. World Vision can support with relevant additional secondary sources as available.


  1. Timeline

The timeline is expected to be as follows:

  • Oct 9-20, 2017: Finalization of analytical framework, methodological approach, sampling aspects, primary data collection tools
  • Oct 23- Nov 3, 2017 : Primary data collection (including obtaining government permissions and training enumerators) and data cleaning
  • Nov 6- 17, 2017: Report writing
  • Nov 20-30, 2017: Report review, feedback and finalization


  1. Expected outputs and deliverables

The evaluation should result in the following outputs and deliverables:

  1. Inception meetings to finalize scope of work, expectations, process / work plan, and brief on logistics and technical aspects
  2. Final analytical framework, methodological approach including required secondary sources from the project, approach to sampling, primary data collection tools
  3. Training of enumerators, government permissions to implement primary data collection
  4. Raw data (all data sets in excel and SPSS, notes from KIIs and FGDs)
  5. Draft & final evaluation report and summary fact sheet. The consultant will produce a draft report to be submitted to WVI on the agreed date for review. A final report (MS Word, Excel files, PDF), including feedback from WVI reflected in, will then be submitted to WVI. The report needs to follow the provided template / guidance.


All deliverables (except for the evaluation report) need to be provided in English and Arabic as where appropriate. The evaluation report needs to be provided only in English.


  1. Profile of the evaluation team

The consultant (team) must have proven expertise and experience in social research, protection in humanitarian emergency responses, and be able to implement the research in Syria following the required procedures and in the required languages.


Proof of these is to be provided by submitting, together with the application:

  • An overview of relevant works
  • Working samples
  • Contact details for references
  • The proposed research team´s CVs.


Requirements in detail:

Have excellent team leading skills, with the ability to work with a varied team.

  • Have expertise and experience in social science research, including mixed methods and notably quantitative and qualitative primary data collection methods
  • Have expertise and experience in research, monitoring and evaluation in humanitarian emergency response contexts, preferably related to the Syria crisis, as well as related technical standards
  • Have a good understanding of the Syria crisis
  • Have permission to work, travel and undertake primary data collection in the project target locations and be able to do so in the language of the primary target groups (Arabic)
  • Have proven experience in conducting participatory qualitative and quantitative evaluation studies with superior analytical skills
  • Have a good knowledge of data collection software (such as Kobo, SMAP) and statistical packages (such as SPSS)
  • Have excellent report writing skills
  • Have excellent written and spoken English and Arabic
  • Hold a minimum educational qualification equivalent to a master´s degree in a relevant field.


  1. Application

The consultant should submit a proposal comprising the following:

  • A technical proposal which indicates how the consultant is going to undertake the activities highlighted in the ToR, indicative budget with initial indication of the enumerators and timeframe required
  • A capacity statement detailing the consultant´s ability to deliver a quality evaluation report within the given timeframe, including an overview of relevant work and technical experience
  • At least 2 samples of previous relevant works undertaken, including at least 1 evaluation report that was 100% led by the lead consultant
  • Contact details for 2 references for similar assignments done not more than 2 years ago
  • CVs of the key personnel on the evaluation team
  • A financial budget with explanations about the line items
  • Any appendices the consultant sees as relevant to the application.


Applications should be submitted electronically to by 29thSeptember 2017.


  1. Child protection & data confidentiality

The external evaluator, along with all enumerators, will be required to sign and follow World Vision International´s child protection standards and protocols of behavior, which will be provided to the research team selected.


All primary data collected by this evaluation process is to remain confidential and is not to be shared with third parties.



[1] The degree to which the program addressed needs related to the recovery of typhoon-affected communities

[2] The degree to which to program produced its intended consequences

[3] The degree to which the program responded to critical needs in time, and consequences of delays

[4] The degree to which the leadership, support services and program systems functioned to enable successful programming

[5] Impact of Syria Crisis Report, Syrian Centre for Policy Research (SCPR), Feb 2016.

[6] Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) 2016, OCHA, October 2015

[7] OCHA Humanitarian Snapshot Jan 2016

[8] Whole of Syria Health Sector

[9] Syrian Center for Policy Research (SCPR) 2016

[10] Humanotarian Response Plan (HRP) 2016

[11] This only refers to Health Target. Nutrition targets 108000 individuals, however, there is overlap between these sectors.

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