Pazartesi , 9 Eylül 2024

British Embassy Program Fund – Sıfır Atık Girişimleri Proje Çağrısı

İngiltere Büyükelçiliği - British Embassy Program Fund

British Embassy Program Fund. İngiltere Büyükelçiliği Program Fonu kapsamında çevre ve iklim konulu girişimlere, Birleşik Krallık dış politikaları hedefleri doğrultusunda destek sağlamaktadır. Bu kapsamda sıfır atık girişimleri desteklemek amacıyla proje teklif çağrısını duyurmuştur. Başvurular için son tarih 06 Kasım 2020’dir. Projeler £15,000.-’a kadar destek sağlanacaktır.

Resmi duyuru aşağıda yer almaktadır.


British Embassy Programme Fund (BEF) supports environment and climate-related efforts in Turkey during financial year 2020/2021 in line with the UK government’s foreign policy objectives, particularly increasing climate ambition globally ahead of international climate conference (COP26) to be held in Glasgow in November 2021.

1.  British Embassy Program Fund Project objectives

The project widely assists Turkey’s transition to a low-carbon and zero-waste economy. Specifically, it supports the government’s nation-wide zero-waste protect looking to reduce waste in Turkey’s economy, with many policies mirroring British policy (such as carrier-bag charges, deposit payment). It is an awareness raising project designed to increase the public engagement in environmental and climate-related issues by encouraging more public support for sustainable policies and underpinning a managed transition.

The project mainly aims to raise public awareness on food waste and it broadly targets the private sector. Specific objectives of the project are:

  • Promote 3R principle (reduce, reuse and recycle) in line with the principles of the Turkey’s zero-waste project, particularly in the food sector.
  • Lead to behavioural change towards an understanding of zero-food-waste in the target group and the general public.
  • Encourage the target group to install zero-waste system (including separation of food and organic waste) in their facilities, if appropriate.
  • Showcase UK’s experiences in waste management broadly and food waste categorically in Turkey through pilot schemes and best-practise sharing.

2.  British Embassy Program Fund Project activities

The project needs to be designed based on the main activities given below:

  • A workshop with inward visit/virtual participation by experts in the UK (either private or public) sector to share messages and advice of best-practice with Turkish officials and businesses on waste management and food waste.
  • A publicity campaign – including but not limited to surveys, short movies – aimed at a wider audience to create more public awareness on food waste.

Possible Covid-19 impacts on activities should be taken into consideration when planning the project.

British Embassy’s visibility is ensured in all project activities.

3.        Application process

Applications must be submitted in English. The BEF project proposals are shortlisted and approved by the British Embassy’s Post Programme Board. To apply for funding, interested organisations must submit a project proposal, activity based budget form and due diligence form (please see attached) to the Embassy’s Projects Section. Proposals must be submitted using the attached forms only. This will provide the basic information required to enable the Post Programme Board to make an assessment on whether or not the proposal will be short listed.

Project proposals must be sent to the British Embassy in Ankara to BEF Mailbox by midnight on Friday 6th November 2020 at the latest.

Project proposal selected for further consideration will be notified by November 2020.

The British Embassy aims to sign a commercial contract (commercial organisation) or a grant agreement (not-for-profit organisation) with successful project implementer by end-November/early December 2020.

4.        Budget and timeline

The funding will be in Pound Sterling (£). Under this call for proposals, the BEF will provide up to £15,000 (fifteen thousand Pounds). The first payment will be made upon the receipt of monthly financial report. Any final remaining payment requests should be finalised in the first week of March 2021.

Project activities are to be completed by the end of March 2021 and they should be planned accordingly.

5.        Selection Criteria

Project proposals will be assessed against the following criteria:

  • Alignment with the projects objectives and activities given above
  • Overall value for money
  • Achievable outcomes/outputs within the funding period
  • Clear monitoring and evaluation procedures
  • Project sustainability after the funding ends
  • Risk and financial accountability procedures
  • Due diligence assessment

6.        Frequently asked questions

Managerial and Financial Aspects:

  • Any organisation that has legal standing can apply for funding. We do not accept project bids submitted by individuals.
  • Projects spanning two financial year are not permitted.
  • Please note that the United Kingdom’s financial year runs from 1 April to 31 March.
  • The implementer should be able to receive money transfers from us. Please note that we cannot make pre-payments; successful bidders should make the payment and then ask us to reimburse these expenses. However, there are some exceptions to this.
  • Organisations must prove that they are able to manage the project sum in a satisfactory manner; the Embassy may request reports by auditors.


Academic courses, charitable activities, commercial activities, infrastructure or construction projects, or humanitarian aid are not funded.


  • A partnership framework to support the broader engagement of a project can strengthen your bid.
  • Other sources of funding should be specified in the project bid.
  • British Embassy’s profile in the project must be guaranteed.

Approval, contract and reporting:

  • If the project is approved, the applicant will be given two copies of the contract, outlining the conditions of the grant. One signed copy must be returned to the British Embassy in Ankara.
  • The Embassy will require monthly financial reports and an interim progress report from implementer.
  • The first payment will be made upon the receipt of monthly financial report.
  • When the project has been completed the implementer shall prepare and send a final report to the Embassy within the period specified in the contract.

7.      British Embassy Program Fund  Contact

Please email James Charlton (, or Şule Erdal ( with any questions regarding the project.

Please email with any questions regarding the bidding process.

Only successful bidders will be contacted.


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