World Vision Solar Lighting Equipment Tender Announcement
World Vision International Insani Yardim Kuruluşu
World Vision; Dünya vizyonu yoksulluğu ve adaletsizliği aşmak için çocuklar, aileler ve topluluklar ile çalışmaya adamış bir küresel yardım, rahatlama, geliştirme ve savunma kurumudur.
World Vision (WV) is inviting potential suppliers, which are all strong and highly regarded within the industry to submit a RFP(Request for Proposal) for SOLAR LIGHTING EQUIPMENT
Please send your email requests for the tender document with the subject of ‘RFP 5026 SOLAR LIGHTING EQUIPMENT FOR 390 HHs’
World Vision Solar Lighting Equipment Tender Deadline for proposal submission is SEP 28, 2017 before 4:00 pm. .