Pazar , 15 Eylül 2024

Rwi Toolkit and Training Programme Consultancy Call

Rwi Toolkit and Training Programme Consultancy Call

Rwi Toolkit and Training Programme Consultancy Call

Call for consultancy for developing a toolkit and a training programme on the integration of gender perspective into human rights research

Overview: The Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) is seeking a consultancy support to develop a toolkit and training programme on how to integrate gender perspective into human rights research.


  1. Rwi Toolkit and Training Programme Background

Since January 2015, the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law (RWI) has carried out a cooperation programme in Turkey entitled “Turkey Human Rights Capacity Development Programme” with the financial support of Swedish Development Cooperation (Sida). One of the main objectives of the programme is to increase availability and accessibility of high quality gender-integrated human rights research and related policy recommendations of key relevance to the Turkish context. To achieve this objective, RWI designs and organizes activities that will contribute to generate following outcomes:

  • Increased opportunities for researchers, particularly for junior researchers, to exchange information, experience and best practices with regard to human rights research and human rights research methodologies and engage in joint research
  • Increased capacity of targeted researchers to integrate gender perspectives into human rights research
  • Increased opportunities to carry out, publish and/or disseminate gender-integrated human rights research

RWI supports research activities in the field of human rights in Turkey through grants, scholarships and capacity development programmes targeting mainly junior academics and researchers. Under this stream of work, each year RWI invites applications for its Human Rights Research Grants and also Short-Term Research Scholarships. Besides, RWI provides networking and collaboration opportunities for academics and researchers to engage in joint research and exchange information, experience and good practices with regard to human rights research and HR research methodologies. In 2017, it also launches new Raoul Wallenberg PhD Support Programme in Human Rights. It has been long observed that whereas RWI receives an impressive amount of high-quality gender-targeted research proposals (directly focusing on and exploring gender issues) each year, gender is far from being systematically addressed and mostly ignored in many other research proposals mainly due to lack of capacity and knowledge.

The Institute strives to integrate gender perspective into all of its work and contribute to promotion of gender equality through all of its activities. In line with its gender mainstreaming approach, Turkey Programme wants to ensure that gender is systematically addressed in all supported research activities. As gender is relevant to every research study in the field of human rights, and indeed engendering research is significant for higher quality and validity of the research, the Institute intends to increase the capacity of human rights researchers to address gender dimension in their research projects. Therefore, beginning from 2018, “the extent to which gender dimension is integrated into research” is planned to be pronounced as one of the selection criteria for all the research proposals submitted for RWI’s scholarships, grants, and calls for research consultancies. In order to facilitate this process and contribute to capacity development of potential applicants and other researchers, the Institute decided to develop a gender toolkit and training programme that can be helpful for human rights researchers in integrating gender into their research. With this Toolkit and training, RWI aims

  • to help researchers to develop a better understanding of linkages between gender and human rights research and grasp the idea that gender is relevant to every research study in the field of human rights,
  • to provide human rights researchers with practical information to include gender dimension into the content and process of a research throughout all of its stages including setting objectives, formation of research team, choosing methodology, formulation of questions, data collection, data analysis, reporting and dissemination,
  • to help them increase the quality and validity of their research by making these research projects more gender-aware,
  • to contribute to the elimination of gender bias in human rights research projects.


  1. Rwi Toolkit and Training Programme Tasks and responsibilities

RWI is seeking to hire an experienced consultant to develop a toolkit and a two-days interactive training programme on the integration of gender perspective into human rights research. The toolkit and the training must be compatible and consistent with each other. The consultant will also be responsible for implementing the training that will be held either in last week of October or in November 2017 in Turkey. The goal of this short-term consultancy is to increase the capacity of human rights researchers to integrate gender dimension into their research projects.

The consultant will closely work with Programme Officer responsible for gender mainstreaming in RWI Istanbul Office. The consultant will be responsible for the following tasks:

2.a. Toolkit related tasks

The toolkit on the integration of gender perspective into human rights research will be used byhuman rights researchers including master students, PhD students, independent researchers, and academics. The consultant will be required to:

  1. Develop the draft of the toolkit on the integration of gender perspective into human rights research
  2. Finalize the toolkit

2.a.1. The content of the toolkit

The toolkit is expected to cover at least the following outline:

  • Introduction: This section shall explain
    • how gender is relevant to the field of human rights
    • why human rights research should include gender perspective
    • how engendering research is significant for increasing the quality and validity of the research
  • Scope and aim of the Toolkit
  • Guideline on how to integrate gender perspective into human rights research: This section shall point out at least the following:
    • formation of research team,
    • setting objectives,
    • choosing methodology,
    • formulation of questions,
    • data collection,
    • data analysis,
    • reporting
    • and dissemination
  • Five example of research project: This section will present five sample of human rights research projects to illustrate how planned research in the field of human rights can be made gender-sensitive. Each sample shall consist of at least one-page summary of the project and at least two-page discussion of the gender dimension in relation to the planned project. These samples shall be based on different topics in the area of human rights research. Five samples, at least 15 pages in total. (Each sample should have at least three pages in total including one or two pages of summary, and at least two pages of discussion.)
  • Useful resources: A selection of useful resources tackling gender integration into research in the fields of social sciences, legal studies and humanities will be listed.

2.a.2. Specificities of the toolkit:

  • Format: main text, box texts and graphics (if any) should be submitted in a format readable by MS-Word. A graphic designer will be hired short-term to design and make the toolkit ready to be published.
  • Language: English or Turkish (If written in Turkish, it will be translated by RWI to English, or vice versa.)

2.b. Training-related tasks

  1. Planning and developing two-days interactive training programme on How to Integrate Gender Perspective into Human Rights Research which will target
  • the recipients of RWI’s research grants and scholarships (master students, PhD students, independent researchers, and academics)
  • the participants of Raoul Wallenberg PhD Students Support Programme
  • the researchers and consultants who are or will be conducting RWI’s research projects
  • the researchers and academics who work at RWI’s partner universities
  1. Submitting a detailed programme for the whole training and detailed session plans for each session to the responsible RWI Programme Officer (The training programme should be constructed as an interactive workshop where all participants have the opportunity to contribute to the session. The consultant is encouraged to employ experiential learning methods in order to enhance active participation of participants.)
  2. Finalizing the training programme and session plans after making required revisions upon getting feedback and comments from RWI office
  3. Implementing two-days training programme
  4. Submitting a report reflecting on challenges and recommendations for further trainings on the same topic

2.b.1. The content of the training

The training should cover the following topics in minimum:

  • Introduction to gender theory: the social construction of gender and gender differences; different roots and manifestations of gender-based discrimination; and gender inequalities
  • Linkages between gender and human rights research: How is gender relevant to every research study in the field of human rights?
  • Introduction to feminist research methodology: How is gender intermingled with all aspects of human rights research?
  • Engendering research: How to integrate gender dimension into all stages of human rights research:
    • formation of research team,
    • setting objectives,
    • choosing methodology,
    • formulation of questions,
    • data collection,
    • data analysis,
    • reporting
    • and dissemination


The consultant will be required to take part in the following meetings:

  • online prep meetings
  • face-to-face prep meeting one or two days before the actual training date
  • two-days training in the first two weeks of November 2017


  1. Rwi Toolkit and Training Programme Deliverables

Tasks and Deliverables Tentative due dates
Submitting the detailed draft of the training programme and session plans October 15, 2017
Submission of detailed draft of the Toolkit October 22, 2017
Submitting the final version of the detailed programme and session plans October 25, 2017
Implementation of the training Two days in the first two weeks of November
Submission of the training report Two weeks after training
Submission of second draft of the Toolkit November 20, 2017
Submission of final version of the Toolkit November 30, 2017


  1. Rwi Toolkit and Training Programme Required skills and experience

Education –  PhD in social sciences, law or another relevant discipline
Experience –  At least 5 years research experience in gender and human rights–  Demonstrated experience designing and facilitating multi-day trainings

–  Sound knowledge of feminist research methodology

–  Knowledge of non-formal teaching methodologies


  1. Rwi Toolkit and Training Programme Application procedure

Interested candidates should send the following to Sebnem Kenis, Programme Officer (


  • A one-page cover letter introducing the consultant (or the team), and describing how the skills, experience and competencies meet the ones outlined in the present Terms of Reference
  • CV(s) outlining their relevant expertise in conformity with requirements of this assignment


Rwi Toolkit and Training Programme Deadline for application is 2nd of October, 2017. Individual consultants or teams are eligible to apply. Please contact Sebnem Kenis, Programme Officer ( for your questions.

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